WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 30, 2017: (Photo by Andrew Harrer – Pool/Getty Images)

The Vulgarity heard Around the World

*** Trigger Warning – If you are prone to major butt hurt and your eyes bleed due to reading indelicate and crude language, then click elsewhere now! Might I suggest perusing this site which is literally called Sunshine & Rainbows***


With the continued traction of the alleged swear word that came out of President Donald Trump’s mouth a week ago, Merriam-Webster might have to consider it for the ‘Word of 2018’ and add it to their dictionary. Oxford already has it listed:

Shithole: (Noun) vulgar slang – An extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant place. ‘This place is a shithole, I hope you know that.’  


If I were a marketing person for the online version of these dictionaries, I would be scrabbling to sign the POTUS up to re-record the mp3 version of the word. I would entice him with a sizable donation to his favourite charity such as the Red Cross, Oxfam, or the United Way. It would be fitting for the money to go to an organization that does considerable work in the numerous shitholes of the world.

The Canadian networks couldn’t even bring themselves to say the word so foul. They truncated it to s***hole, repeatedly gave trigger warnings to trembling snowflakes that they were about to hear a BAD word, and loaded up the airwaves with outraged talking heads. The American networks and news personalities opted for a wide range of approaches to the uttering of the expletive. Some of the networks opened the floodgates and ‘shithole’ rang out across the ether for all to hear hundreds of times.

As to saying the occasional swear word, it seems that this might be one of the last bastions of journalism to fall. Lately, the mainstream media (MSM) has been gradually testing the waters with respect to their sacred cows. With all the salacious gore and sex available through every internet connection, I believe they are on the verge of slaughtering the last few of those sacrosanct bovines in order to remain relevant and to hold onto viewership. As for the ridiculous amount of attention this latest Rage du Jour generated, it was the same type of coverage that used to be reserved for world changing events.

As I understand the circumstances around the dropping of the S-hole bomb, it was a closed door Oval Office meeting with a legislative committee. These types of meetings are privileged platforms meaning you keep your damn mouth shut about what went on! If you tried blabbing your mouth after a military briefing you would be up for court martial and/or treason.

I am quite sure the Oval Office has had its share of profane language and lewdness over the centuries. ‘Slick Willie’ was getting his pole polished by Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office 20 years ago. Strangely, the anger was not about the acts but about the fact that the President lied about it. If Trump wants to swear or curse about other countries behind closed doors, well I think any leader has earned that right. The Democrat, Senator Dick Durbin, who decided to play politics over this matter should be tossed out on his ear for this stupid, cheap grandstanding. Their desperation is reaching epic levels.

But predicatably, within hours, representatives of third world countries were lining up to lambast the POTUS over his alleged comments. Internet memes flooded social media, ferociously angry activists, politicians and celebrities publicly derided the President, and successful persons (especially of colour) were uploading their personal stories of American triumph after arriving from whatever hellhole (pardon me, my faux pas, the correct term nowadays is shithole) they originated from. I cannot help but notice that all these people who have been experiencing paroxysmal fits of rage have not made public their plans to return or emigrate to these less desirable countries. Why is the Democratic Party so concerned about keeping the ‘Dreamers’ of the DACA program in America if their countries of origin are so great?


A Democrat’s reaction to Trump being elected to the Oval Office

Considering the detractors of Donald Trump have kept up an omnipresent campaign of derision, mocking, constant calls for his impeachment, and outright death threats against the man even before his inauguration, I think the occasional epitaph from the man would be warranted. So what if he’s a little uncouth, especially behind closed doors, and tells it like it is? In large measure, that was why he was elected.

Basically every country in the world limits the amount of immigrants from foreign lands. If you take the Immigration Eligibility questionnaire through the Government of Canada (GOC) website, neither a skilled welder from Haiti or Norway is going to get into Ontario strictly due to their expertise. But the typical tradesperson from Norway whose country has a roughly 35% rate of post secondary participation by the age of 24 will be rated higher than a typical Haitian tradesperson who by that age only has 5 years of school or less. The liberal media and the Democrats are attempting to tie a racism narrative to President Trump when all he is pointing out is the fact that these Third World countries do not measure up or produce the numbers of people in terms of the education or skills needed by America. Everyone, including ‘Sunny Ways’ Canada, cherry picks in order to better their country with generally very limited quotas for admitting the poor, destitute, unskilled, or uneducated.

The world has indeed gone mad when the lead story dominating the airwaves is the reporting of a POTUS vulgarity from behind closed doors. It is no wonder the populace is so disgusted with the MSM as they keep up these baseless and vindictive tirades against the man. Honestly, was there nothing more important for the MSM to blather on about this past week?

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Blair is a personification of a ‘Jack of All Trades and Master of None’. He has held several careers and has all the T-shirts. Time to add the title Blogger to the list.

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