Canadian Patriot

Using the Thunberg Effect for Political Manipulation

During the classic Peanuts scene where Charlie Brown is flying through the air about to land flat on his back after Lucy yanks the football away, do you know what’s going through his head? ‘Why do I keep falling for this and oh boy, this is gonna hurt!’ Whump!

This Friday after a brief tourist stop in Calgary, Edmonton is going to play host to the latest environmental messiah, Greta Thunberg. She is going to be leading a Fridays For Future climate protest and has been invited by the mayor for a meeting. The rest of her itinerary has not been made available but most eco-celebrities usually take a helicopter tour of the oil sands so that they can see first-hand the raping of Mother Earth.

Let’s begin with how Ms. Thunberg decided to swing up to the center of Alberta’s oil patch. What an amazing coincidence that she’s doing a whistle-stop tour of Canada’s ‘eco-shame’ mere days before the Federal election!

Well Charlie Brown, I’ve got a football for you to kick!

Ms. Thunberg is an eco-propaganda weapon to be used for mobilizing the ‘woke’ virtue-signalers to action. Her itinerary doesn’t just happen by chance. My suspicion is that the Liberal, political master-manipulator, Gerald Butts, called in some favours through his World Wildlife Fund cabal. His puppet Prime Minister is having a tough time in the polls and ‘minority’ government scenarios are being tossed around. So Butts gave Greta’s handlers a call to see if she could swing by Alberta for an election stop.

Here’s how the scenario will play out. They have a useful dupe, Edmonton’s mayor Don Iveson, who is going to make a big splash over the young lady’s visit. The Provincial government has said they want nothing to do with her. This plays into the Evil Axis narrative, Scheer, Kenney, Ford, that the Liberals have been pushing. The United We Roll acted accordingly to the dog-whistle and is setting up a counter protest. Of course, the bought and paid for ‘Canada’s’ broadcaster has been directed to cover the event wall to wall. Rosemary Barton might even do a breathless Live Coverage of the spectacle hoping to catch some yellow-vested, rough neck accosting the young climate saviours.

The upshot of the entire staged event is to continue the Liberal narrative that Alberta ie. Conservatives are fine with poisoning the world and are hostile to young, eco-saviours. The aim is not so much to win over a seat or two in Alberta but with the excessive MSM coverage, the hope will be to push millennials to emotion vote for anyone but the Conservatives. Since the Liberals, NDP, and Greens are already planning their minority government, it doesn’t really matter who they vote for as long as it isn’t Scheer’s Conservative candidates.

Thankfully, there’s a few Canadians who are becoming aware of these master political machinations. Particularly in Alberta, which has borne the brunt of the latest round of eco-warfare, the populace came to their senses and elected a warrior to stand up to their blatant attacks on their primary industry. Jason Kenney rightly put together a war room to deal with these NGO attacks on Canada’s way of life.

There are many naïve Canadians who want to be nice to Greta on her visit. We can show her around, demonstrate all of our innovative methods of oil extraction, and educate her on the gold standard Canada requires regarding resource recovery.

Canadian’s are just too nice. Despite the fact that if every Canadian laid down and died on Friday, literally we would have statistically zero effect on the world’s overall environment. No amount of logic will sway the Greta eco-zealots of the world.

But if the enviromentalists aren’t interested in listening to any sort of sense, then what are they interested in? They are basically only interested in destroying the present system of Western capitalism and replacing it with their idea of utopia.

But how do you approach the complex task of destroying the West’s system of capitalism to replace it with eco-socialism? You start with the low hanging fruit. That’s why these eco-types trot up to the oil sands on their biblical pilgrimages. Alberta is an easy target because of accomodating, sucker Canadians who are just the nicest.

Normally, I would say Ms. Thunberg should have been stopped at the border and denied entry to Alberta. She is a foreign agent bent on destroying our Canadian way of life. China, Venezuela, Russia, or Saudi Arabia, would keep her out or have her arrested. They’ve watched those same Peanuts episodes and I’m sure they’re laughing at the Western countries who are all taking prat falls due to the environmentalists.

Unfortunately, Gerald Butts is running a dirty campaign and this latest political gambit was an opportunity that couldn’t be past up. Canada will lose this propaganda battle. Hopefully, Canadians will wake up and stop playing the fools so that we don’t lose the war.

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Blair is a personification of a ‘Jack of All Trades and Master of None’. He has held several careers and has all the T-shirts. Time to add the title Blogger to the list.

One Reply to “Canadian Patriot”

  1. I think what a lot of the environmentalist want is way too extreme and no doubt I don’t think our government should go nearly as far. But I think they are onto some concerns but they are looking at it through a one dimensional prism which is how can we reduce GHGs but totally forget about the economic pain doing this would cause. Also they forget more importantly it is demand not supply that is driving GHG emissions. If Alberta won’t supply oil, someone else will. So if Thunberg wants to deal with climate change, how about encouraging people to drive and fly less. If there is less demand less oil will be produced. But problem is many environmentalists are hypocrites here.

    Does anyone for a minute think China’s new emerging middle class will stop driving cars or building coal factories because of this? Not a chance! And if we don’t supply them oil, the Saudis, Venezuelans and others happily will. Sure it might feel good to be on the right side, but we should focus on pragmatism not idealism. Its fine to have nice ideals like her, but then you got to think who do you realistically achieve them and also realize you push too far and too fast you get a backlash and nothing gets done.

    I think Butts not just on this but on many issues thinks government can correct these issues easily and doesn’t understand all the problems big government if done wrongly can cause.

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