Canada’s Real National Disgrace

A resident waves from her window at a senior’s long-term care facility in Montreal Quebec [Christinne Muschi/Reuters]
Canada Suffers from Systemic Ageism not Racism

The idea of honoring old age, indeed identifying it with wisdom and closeness to God is in startling contrast to the way we treat aging in America.” From Becoming Fearless by Arianna Huffington

The young used to be taught to respect their elders but from my observations through these turbulent times I will call the ‘Great Pause’, it is my observation that it is much more popular to disrespect your elders. It is even more popular when the vitriol can be directed at an old, white man with whom the liberal, educated elite can heap their scorn upon. To them, these men are nothing more than caricatures of that nasty old Archie Bunker and should all die out as out of touch dinosaurs.

The clearest example of systemic ageism which grips Canada and the rest of the West vice the made up systemic racism which the Black Lives Matter types would have you believe is the scourge du jour is the vapid response regarding the fact that Covid-19 targets the old.

Manitoba and Saskatchewan obviously figured out that the aged and frail needed protecting, hence their low death and case rates. In fact, way back on February 7 in the Manitoba Media Bulletin: Novel Coronavirus Bulletin #2, health officials were sounding the alarm that people self-isolating should be avoiding individuals with chronic conditions, compromised immune systems and senior citizens.

The rest of the provinces must have lost the Thousand Miler with their mimeographed copies of the memorandum reminding them that the elderly were at risk. Instead, grandparents in long-term care facilities were dropping like dominos. The military, of all organizations, had to be called in to take up the slack in Ontario and Quebec.

Thankfully, the CAF members were listened to when they described the horrendous conditions they found in some of the homes they were dispatched to. It was so bad that even Trudeau and the MSM were forced to acknowledge the issue. But typical of the goldfish memory of politicians and the media, the horrid conditions were swept aside by the next shiny ‘news’ item. Who cares about actual issues like the decades long decay of elder care in Canada when you can virtue-signal to the masses and declare to the mob that all Canadians are racist? Hey, they’re just ‘Boomers’ and old, white dinosaurs who should all die and be swept aside so the hip, young, progressives can implement socialism, justice, and end oppression of minorities NOW!

Below is the military report. It makes for harrowing reading and one wonders why conditions like these which have existed in Canada for decades have never been addressed.

Under La Première Trudeau, there would have been calls and a demand for a National Commission on what has gone so horribly wrong with caring for our Canadian elders. Under Le Deuxième Trudeau, no one including the Opposition, even seems to care. They are all tripping over themselves to ‘bend a knee’ before Daenerys Stormborn (whose real life counterpart is Greta Thunberg) burns them down with her dragons aka SJW Antifa and BLM thugs (otherwise known as Brown Shirts back in the day).

Woe to those who even attempt to offer up a counter narrative decrying the SJWs outlandish claims. A national icon, the seventh most ‘popular’ Canadian, Don Cherry, was taken down as a racist for daring to utter the innocuous phrase, ‘You people’. His cohort for decades, Ron MacLean raced to self-castrate himself on national television in order to purify himself before ‘The Woke’ masses.

Rex Murphy, another Canadian treasure, is being harassed by fellow National Post pipsqueak ‘opinion journalists’ over a recent column where he derides our country’s politicians self-flagellation over how ‘institutionally racist’ Canada is. As a young man, Rex had already earned himself a BA in English and was an Oxford Rhodes Scholar before these nasty SJW advocacy harpies had taken their first Womens and Indigenous Studies classes.

Even the positive minority rating scale of being a woman does not spare you from the wrath of the mob. Wendy Mesley, despite decades of high profile CBC journalism, had the temerity to utter The Word Who Shall Not Be Named. The assumption is she accidentally used the word nigger but things are so racially charged, the CBC will not even acknowledge the damning utterance by saying she used the ‘N-word’. Mesley immediately self-prostrated herself and perhaps after sufficient re-education in the dungeon and a Cersei Lannister Walk of Atonement, she may once again be allowed into ‘The Woke’ fold.

The watch word is ‘Silence the Dissenters!’ It will be the rare and usually independant person who will stand up and say NO! under these conditions of SJW rule. My suggestion is to start listening to Joe Rogan’s podcasts which feature Jordan Peterson before the black Sharpie of the censor takes them all down.

Professor of Philosophy, George Santayana, is credited with that old chestnut, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Is it not ironic that earlier this year, younger Canadians were out championing Native Elders, the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs. But when it comes to the rest of Canada’s elders (especially the white ones), they are derided, scorned, and outright ignored to the point of death.

In fact, if you read the UN Convention on Genocide, under Article Two, “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” is a condition that qualifies as a genocide.

Canadian youth may be surprised that a quasi-genocide event is taking place right under their noses. They seem to believe that non-existent, non-statistically backed, systemic minority causes are the real Canadian curses to be addressed RIGHT THIS SECOND!!! during a deadly pandemic. Gather in your thousands to protest a statue, or the long forgotten history of the naming of a street, or the supposed epidemic of black transgender discrimination. No need to worry about a spike of Covid-19 cases because ‘Stay Home, Save Lives’ (the lives of the elderly) is so yesterday because if you have the ‘right’ social cause, you get a pass from the virus.

Were the German youth any less ignorant of what was happening while they were cheering and being asked for their fealty?

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Blair is a personification of a ‘Jack of All Trades and Master of None’. He has held several careers and has all the T-shirts. Time to add the title Blogger to the list.

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